So, I was waiting to post this but MUSEUMS FROM THE YEAR 2000, just released a post so I can't wait to appear to be a John come late.
So there have been a few articles and posts that have gone back and forth this past week. The institutions have maintained their decorum but still there have been some intelectual body blows made by either side. It’s like battle of the museum nerds and I love it. Lots of good sparing over the importance of visitor engagement real vs. virtual and the old fight over objects or not objects.
For my two cents this industry is overly dominated by curators and object people. ( Did I mention I may not always be in museums?)
I don't think anybody wants a museum to be not about stuff. We just want everybody to have access to it and be able to engage in a social context. This is where collections care and visitor experience clash because it is a natural tension.
People should relax. It’s about listening and achieving balance. Both sides need to acknowledge a need to provide more equality of thought and control in museums development and identity. It’s bad when families fight. That’s when the bad guys take advantage or gain the upper hand (think shopping malls and water parks, oh and the federal government.)
I am heartened that the conversation is heated but respectful. Most corporate bodies can't even muster talking to themselves. Keep up the trash talk. It’s all in good fun!
In this Corner weighing in at 98 pounds : Nina Simon
In this Corner weighing in with an impressive institutional history of over 120 years: The MIA
In this Corner the money loving(kidding!) Museum Audience Insight Blog